import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from IPython.display import display, Math, Markdown
import scipy.optimize as opt
import satm
groups = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]
weights = [pd.read_excel("./OneDrive_1_27-10-2023/weights.xlsx", groups[i]) for i in range(len(groups))]
drag = [pd.read_excel("./OneDrive_1_27-10-2023/drag.xlsx", groups[i]) for i in range(len(groups))]
static = [pd.read_excel("./OneDrive_1_27-10-2023/LSS.xlsx", groups[i]) for i in range(len(groups))]
maneuvre = [pd.read_excel("./OneDrive_1_27-10-2023/LMS.xlsx", groups[i]) for i in range(len(groups))]
sideslip = [pd.read_excel("./OneDrive_1_27-10-2023/SHSS.xlsx", groups[i]) for i in range(len(groups))]
masses = pd.read_excel("./OneDrive_1_27-10-2023/masses.xlsx")
def B_1(L, V, S=41.8, rho=1.225):
'''coefficient of lift or drag'''
denominator = rho * V * V * S
return 2*L/denominator
def kt_to_ms(kt):
return kt * 0.51444
def ft_to_m(ft):
return ft * 0.3048
g = 9.80665
T0 = 288.15
p0 = 101325.0
rho0 = 1.225
S = 41.8
def B_3(V_e, theta, delta):
'''calculates true airspeed, takes in EAS, temperature ratio and pressure ratio'''
return V_e * np.sqrt(theta/delta)
datum_dist = [10.69, 11.18, 6.91, 7.87, 8.61, 9.34, 10.08, 10.82, 11.73, 12.49, 13.23, 13.96, 14.70, 15.49, 17.12]
def mass(group):
"""drag and performance question 1"""
# 8695 is the dry weight
mass_nofuel = sum(weights[group]["A"]) + sum(weights[group]["B"]) + sum(weights[group]["C"]) + 8695
# find the average fuel mass
start = drag[group]["Fuel Quantity LH [kg]"][0] + drag[group]["Fuel Quantity RH [kg]"][0]
end = drag[group]["Fuel Quantity LH [kg]"][len(drag[group]["Fuel Quantity LH [kg]"]) - 1] + drag[group]["Fuel Quantity RH [kg]"][len(drag[group]["Fuel Quantity RH [kg]"]) - 1]
average = start+end / 2
mass = mass_nofuel + average
return mass
"""make sure all of the masses are below MTOW"""
for i in range(len(groups)):
assert mass(i) < 13155
dap_1 = []
for i in range(len(groups)):
display(Markdown(rf"Group ${groups[i]}$ had a weight of ${mass(i):6.2f}kg$"))
Group $A$ had a weight of $12591.47kg$
Group $B$ had a weight of $12182.07kg$
Group $C$ had a weight of $12701.80kg$
Group $D$ had a weight of $12213.39kg$
Group $E$ had a weight of $12768.96kg$
Group $F$ had a weight of $12273.00kg$
Group $G$ had a weight of $12760.89kg$
Group $H$ had a weight of $11998.10kg$
def coeffs(group):
final = []
for i in range(len(drag[group]["IAS [kt]"])):
velocity = drag[group]["IAS [kt]"][i]
c_l = B_1(mass(group)*9.81, velocity)
t_total = drag[group]["Thrust LH [N]"][i] + drag[group]["Thrust RH [N]"][i]
c_d = B_1(t_total, velocity)
output = {
"group": group,
"velocity": velocity,
"c_l": c_l,
"c_d": c_d,
return final
dap_2 = []
for i in range(len(groups)):
dap_2 += coeffs(i)
[plt.scatter(d['velocity'], d['c_l']) for d in dap_2]
def linear(x, m, c):
'''linear curve fit model for scipy'''
return m*x + c
def dap_3(plot = True):
'''combining the code for q3, cant really just return a variable'''
# gathering data
cls = []
cds = []
[(cls.append(d['c_l']**2), cds.append(d['c_d'])) for d in dap_2]
# plotting data
plt.scatter(cls, cds, label="measured")
# getting coeffs
(K, cd0) = opt.curve_fit(linear, cls, cds)[0]
if plot:
xs = np.linspace(min(cls), max(cls))
plt.plot(xs, linear(xs, K, cd0), color="r", label="fitted")
return (K, cd0)
(K, cd0) = dap_3()
dap_4 = np.sqrt(cd0/K)
dap_5 = np.sqrt((2 * mass(4) * 9.81)/(1.225 * dap_4 * S))
def dap_6():
'''its graph time again yippee'''
# gathering data
cls = []
cds = []
[(cls.append(d['c_l']), cds.append(d['c_d'])) for d in dap_2]
# plotting data
plt.scatter(cls, cds, label="measured")
display(Markdown("Equation $2.44$ gives ${L\over D}_{max}$ as " + f"${0.5 * np.sqrt(1/cd0 * K): 1.2f}$"))
Equation $2.44$ gives ${L\over D}_{max}$ as $ 2.37$
it does kinda look like $\frac{L}{D}_{max}$ is between $0.2$ and $0.25$, this is where the gradient is at a minimum
def dap_789(group):
'''i grouped these together because 9 needed 7 and 8 and it made sense to me'''
alts = ft_to_m(drag[group]["Pressure Altitude [ft]"])
params = [satm.get_parameters(alt) for alt in alts]
temps = np.array([p[0]/T0 for p in params])
pressures = np.array([p[1]/p0 for p in params])
rhos = [p[2] for p in params]
EAS = kt_to_ms(drag[group]['IAS [kt]'])
TASes = np.array(B_3(EAS, temps, pressures))
return pressures, temps, TASes
(array([0.77175023, 0.77183813, 0.77180883, 0.77175023]), array([0.9518984 , 0.95191903, 0.95191215, 0.9518984 ]), array([125.41718064, 91.59700334, 80.70765207, 72.14009193]))
def dap_10(group):
FFR_r = drag[group]["Fuel Flow Rate LH [kg/hr]"]
FFR_l = drag[group]["Fuel Flow Rate RH [kg/hr]"]
FFR = FFR_r + FFR_l
V_e = kt_to_ms(drag[group]["IAS [kt]"])
plt.scatter(V_e, FFR)
plt.xlabel(r"IAS $ms^{-1}$")
plt.ylabel(r"Fuel Flow Rate $kg\ hf^{-1}$")
[dap_10(i) for i in range(len(groups))]
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
i guess $V_{BE}$ is just as low as possible?
def dap_11(group):
FFR = drag[group]["Fuel Flow Rate LH [kg/hr]"] + drag[group]["Fuel Flow Rate RH [kg/hr]"]
V_e = kt_to_ms(drag[group]["IAS [kt]"])
return V_e/FFR, V_e
for group in range(len(groups)):
sar, v = dap_11(group)
plt.scatter(v, sar)
plt.xlabel(r"$V_e\ ms^{-1}$")
Text(0, 0.5, 'SAR')
def dap_12():
raise skillIssue
def S1(group):
'''should be 24-31'''
all_weights = list(weights[group]["A"]+weights[group]["B"]+weights[group]["C"])
average = np.mean(drag[group]["Fuel Quantity LH [kg]"]) + np.mean(drag[group]["Fuel Quantity RH [kg]"][0])
all_weights.insert(0, average)
all_weights.insert(0, 8695)
all_weights = np.array(all_weights)
moments = sum(all_weights * datum_dist)/sum(all_weights)
return (moments-10.472)*(100/2.085)
[S1(i) for i in range(len(groups))]
[28.975059893343687, 28.228962789320974, 27.713777248773503, 24.19556074621476, 31.17105718557435, 29.858432667535677, 25.722002973553337, 28.22065343265596]
S2 = []
for i in range(len(groups)):
mass_nofuel = sum(weights[i]["A"]) + sum(weights[i]["B"]) + sum(weights[i]["C"]) + 8695 # fixed
mass_fuel = static[i]["Fuel Quantity LH [kg]"] + static[i]["Fuel Quantity RH [kg]"]
mass_total = mass_nofuel + mass_fuel
speeds = [kt_to_ms(static[i]["IAS [kt]"])]
C_w = [2 * mass_total[j] * g / (rho0 * speeds[j] * speeds[j] * S) for j in range(len(speeds))]
[0 0.538479 1 0.683607 2 0.429574 Name: IAS [kt], dtype: float64]
def S3(group, out = True):
C_w = np.array(S2[group])[0]
#C_w = np.sort(C_w)
eta = np.array(static[group]["Mean Elev"])
#eta = np.sort(eta)
if out:
return [C_w, eta]
plt.scatter(C_w, eta)
[array([0.5384789 , 0.68360666, 0.42957353]), array([ 0.09635, -0.83365, 0.83895])]
def S4():
C_w = [S3(i, True)[0] for i in range(len(groups))]
eta = [S3(i, True)[1] for i in range(len(groups))]
#slopes should be negative
slopes = [np.mean(np.gradient(eta[i], C_w[i])) for i in range(len(C_w))]
C_G = [S1(group) for group in range(len(groups))]
plt.scatter(C_G, slopes)
m, c = opt.curve_fit(linear, C_G, slopes)[0]
x = np.linspace(24, 31)
plt.plot(x, m*x + c)
print(f"stick fixed neutral point is {-c/m}% MAC")
def S5(group, out = False):
C_w = np.array(S2[group])[0]
#C_w = np.sort(C_w)
eta = np.array(static[group]["Trim Deflection [°]"])
#eta = np.sort(eta)
if out:
return [C_w, eta]
plt.scatter(C_w, eta)
[S5(i) for i in range(len(groups))]
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
def S6():
C_w = [S5(i, True)[0] for i in range(len(groups))]
beta = [S5(i, True)[1] for i in range(len(groups))]
#slopes should be negative
slopes = [np.mean(np.gradient(beta[i], C_w[i])) for i in range(len(C_w))]
C_G = [S1(group) for group in range(len(groups))]
plt.scatter(C_G, slopes)
m, c = opt.curve_fit(linear, C_G, slopes)[0]
x = np.linspace(24, 31)
plt.plot(x, m*x + c)
print(f"stick fixed neutral point is {-c/m}% MAC")
stick fixed neutral point is -67.39765325766174% MAC
def M1(group, all_groups=True):
all_eta = []
all_g = []
if all_groups:
for group in range(len(groups)):
eta = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Mean Elev"])
n = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Normal Acceleration [g]"])
for e in eta:
for g in n:
plt.scatter(eta, n)
plt.xlabel("elevator deflection")
plt.ylabel("normal acceleration")
eta = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Mean Elev"])
n = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Normal Acceleration [g]"])
for e in eta:
for g in n:
(m, c) = opt.curve_fit(linear, all_eta, all_g)[0]
if all_groups:
plt.plot(np.linspace(-7, 0),linear(np.linspace(-7, 0), m, c))
return (m, c)
(-0.1510348675141284, 0.9166409307816837)
def M2():
for group in range(len(groups)):
CG = S1(group)
eta_n = np.degrees(M1(group, False)[0])
plt.scatter(CG, eta_n)
def M3(group, all_groups=True):
all_eta = []
all_g = []
if all_groups:
for group in range(len(groups)):
eta = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Elevator Control Force [N]"])
n = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Normal Acceleration [g]"])
for e in eta:
for g in n:
plt.scatter(eta, n)
plt.xlabel("elevator force")
plt.ylabel("normal acceleration")
eta = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Elevator Control Force [N]"])
n = np.array(maneuvre[group]["Normal Acceleration [g]"])
for e in eta:
for g in n:
(m, c) = opt.curve_fit(linear, all_eta, all_g)[0]
if all_groups:
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 200), linear(np.linspace(0, 200), m, c))
return (m, c)
(0.005920894843526718, 0.9120422917585953)
def M4():
for group in range(len(groups)):
CG = S1(group)
eta_n = M3(group, False)[0]
plt.scatter(CG, eta_n)
def ldss1(group):
slip = sideslip[group]["Sideslip Angle [°]"]
roll = sideslip[group]["Roll Attitude [°]"]
plt.scatter(slip, roll)
[ldss1(i) for i in range(len(groups))]
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
sideslip[4]["Sideslip Angle [°]"]
0 -0.8125 1 -6.3509 2 5.6282 Name: Sideslip Angle [°], dtype: float64